Wednesday 19 March 2014

Taylor Marie Gilman

Plate project- drawing sheet

This is a monoprint that I did at the begging of the project to find the theme and style that I  was going to use when designing my plate.  I chose the monoprint technique because it gave a bold aesthetic, this was because I used more pressure to create my dark tones this contrasted with the light tones to create a striking image. I researched images of fish and took inspiration and progressed on to developing these fish using my imagination.

Clock project- artist merge sheet

On this sheet, I cut out some images of my favourite pieces of the chosen artists work, then  carried on from them working in a similar style.  I used thin wool to stitch flowers on to felt and made the little monsters by wrapping embroidery silks around card board shapes, then used a  glue gun and bright yellow beads for eyes. I then stuck them on to wires wrapped in wool to make them stand off the page. On this sheet I also layered buttons and cut out drawn letters in different fonts to add to the quirky style.

Clock project- ideas sheet

For this project I designed and made a clock based on the artist Michael BrenandWood. This is an ideas sheet I did at the begining of the project, I looked at his work to find what I liked and  showed my ideas of what I could do for the work ahead. 

Clock project- samples sheet

This is the sample sheet I did to try out different ideas and test a range of materials and techniques. I then chose the most successful to use in my clock.  My favourite samples were the embroidered flowers I made and the little stitched monsters, because it created personality, which made my work more interesting to look at.  I took these samples and developed them in my final piece. 

Clock project- final piece

This is the functional clock that I made for the final piece.  I took into consideration my client's needs and  addressed them through out the project.  The circle base is wood painted and covered in chopped up pencils, then the second layer holds the clock, and has the card letters spilling off the side with embroidered flowers and stitched monsters flying out from the clock on wire.

Cards project- development sheet

The top row of this sheet is based around the work of kadinsky, made from a cut up oil pastel drawing I did. As the rows go down they become more like my theme which was" bunny rabbits in fashion", using different materials and media such as collage, cellulose thinner and sewing I developed my idea until it was finalised and the kadinsky work on the top row merged in to the bottom row with the final designs.

Cards project- cards and envelopes sheet

These are sample cards and envelopes that a designed and made.  Materials and techniques I used were cellulose thinner, colour textural backgrounds which I created on Photoshop. I created my bunnies using textiles such as applique and collage, and then layered them on to skylines of New York which I used for inspiration for the project. Then I made envelopes to match my cards.

Cards project- final cards and display piece

These are my final cards on  the display item I made from a sheet of metal with my illustrations of New York on the background. I used magnets to attatch the cards on to the metal so that the customer could easily acces the cards. I am pleased with my final piece because they are stylish and unique.

Light project- drawing sheet

I initially created my jellyfish study with pencil following my own exploration of jellyfish, visualising how I could further create in my final piece. For example adding sharp edges to the tentacles which I later created with pins. I wanted to show the danger of jellyfish underneath there beautiful appearance.

Light project- 2nd drawing sheet 

I used inks to give the colour and vibrancy to the jellyfish which made them appear to glow as they do. The murky background which I created with dark inks was used to create the deep ocean look.

Light project- final piece

These jellyfish where my final piece which were made to be shown in a fine art gallery around the theme " light".  I approached the theme by showing the two sides of the jelly fish, looking at the jellyfish, the light chiffon  with light shimmering though, makes them seem delicate, and intriguing.  lighting up the dark space around, however this hides the darkness underneath, black velvet and sharp pins represent the dangerous side of the jellyfish and their painful string. 

Life drawing

Following a couple of life drawing sessions this was one of my outcomes. This was a 10 minute drawing task which i created using charcole and oil pastel.

Life drawing

This was my favourite outcome from the life drawing session where I chose my own style, I used ink to create the forms and tone and then added in deeper colours for the shadows which I left to drip down the page to add interest.

Illustrated essay project- drawing sheet

For this project I created the illustrations for a dark Hansel and Gretel story. This sheet was a drawing sheet to gain ideas for a dark theme on fairy tales. I drew different pictures of different stories like Snow White Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel and merged them together.

Illustration project- sample sheet

I used this sheet to experiment with different materials such as sewing the characters clothes, printing drawings on to associate and think about the look of the title and front cover. By creating this sheet I decided to use neon colours with black because I thought it would go with the dark twisted version of the fairy tale.

Illustration project- Hansel &Gretel story board

This is the story board I designed. I split the story up in to different sections and designed each page as a double page. I then put the illustrations on to Photoshop and added white text on to the black parts of each page.

Summer project- house of cards

This is the project I am currently doing, I chose to design a pack of playing cards with fashion illustrations and  print them  A5 size, then build a large house off cards sculpture to go in a fashion store shop window. I have just finished this sheet which I did to develop my idea and try out different materials and media, such as ink, Biro and collage. For my final playing cards I have chosen to draw the models then use collage from fashion magazines to decorate them and then raise parts up.

Sketch book pages

 For each project I fill a sketch book to note down ideas, samples and artist research. I also make time plans for each week, and evaluations for each piece of work I do, I also use the book to show the brief and keep client reviews.